Podiatry in Brighton & Hove

Treatments and Fees. heel angle

Treatments Available

BIOMECHANICAL ASSESSMENT £75.00 (£80.00 wef 1.10.23)
A biomechanical assessment involves observation and filming of the client walking and, if appropriate, running. A detailed history is taken along with a physical examination, giving consideration to, amongst other things, mobility of joints and location of pain. Should it be considered that the prescription of orthoses (specialised insoles) is necessary, custom made or of the shelf insoles can be prescribed.

CUSTOM MADE ORTHOSES - The majority of our custom made insoles are manufactured to the very highest standards at the Paris laboratory in Vancouver, Canada (www.parisorthotics.com). Please have a browse of their site which not only has information relating to their products but also contains an excellent section on common leg and foot injuries.


This is what people might consider to be a chiropody treatment. Painful calluses and corns may be expertly removed. At the same time nails can be cut and filed.

INGROWN TOENAIL TREATMENTS - £39.00 (Routine care) POA nail surgery

Ingrown toe nails, whether infected or not, can be extremely uncomfortable. They can be effectively treated by careful cutting and filing by the Podiatrist. In some cases a minor surgical procedure can be carried out at the clinic. Local anaesthetic is used at the time, so once the anaesthetic has been administered, the procedure should be without pain. This should be a permanent solution for an ingrown nail.

VERRUCA treatment - £39.00 (initial consultation)
Treatment normally involves the application of strong acid after the verruca has had any overlying hard skin removed.

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